Your Axsys R&D and Support Teams have been working to provide support of DESS and Medentika abutment pre-forms.
The processing of these pre-form blanks has been a bit of a challenge as they represent a departure from that of NT-Trading pre-form blanks; they are only held on one side. Beyond this issue, these DESS and Medentika present additional processing challenges due to their size, availability of necessary libraries, fixturing and more.
We are, however in the final stages of releasing support of DESS pre-form abutments with Medentika support to follow thereafter.
Initial deployment will be on the Versamill 5X400 followed shortly with support for the 5X200.
We will inform you as each platform and machine is released, so please stay tuned.
Below are images of a DESS abutment as machined on the new Versamill 5X400 which can support "light duty" titanium machining duty.